-The Ebola virus scare is in the air, but people should capitalize on true information that causing unnecessary panic on people's emotion when sending news. Rumours over taking bath with boiled water and salt before daybreak making waves through phones calls and sms is uncalled-for.
This is just a group of health workers giving talks to those in the rural areas who cannot provide money for disinfectant to use boiled salty water to wash clothes, clean houses and take bath. So the rumours that using boiled water with salt TODAY to stip ebola is false.
What happens when the salt goes off or the effect of dried salt flakes on the body. The best way is use disinfectant to wash hands, clothes, houses at all times.
Ebola virus disease (EVD) or Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) is the human disease caused by ebola viruses. Symptoms start two days to three weeks after being infected the virus with a fever, throat and muscle pains, and headaches. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease has a
case fatality rate of up to 90 per cent, this means about 90 per cent of individuals that suffer from the disease could die.
*.No vaccine for EVD is available. Several vaccines are being tested, but none are available for clinical use.
*.Ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals.
*.Ebola then spreads in the community through human-to-human transmission, with infection resulting from direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and indirect contact with environments contaminated with such fluids.
*.Burial ceremonies in which mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased person can also play a role in the transmission of Ebola.
*.Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through their semen for up to 7 weeks after recovery from illness.
*.Health-care workers have frequently been infected while treating patients with suspected or confirmed EVD.
*.Wash your hands frequently. As with other infectious diseases, one of the most important preventive measures for Ebola virus is frequent hand-washing. Use soap and water, or use alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60 percent alcohol when soap and water aren't available.
*.Avoid bush meat. In developing countries, wild animals, including nonhuman primates, are sold in local markets. Avoid buying or eating any of these animals.
*.Avoid contact with infected people. In particular, caregivers should avoid contact with the person's body fluids and tissues, including blood, semen, vaginal secretions and saliva. People with Ebola are most contagious in the later stages of the disease.
*.Follow infection-control procedures. If you're a health care worker, wear protective clothing — such as gloves, masks, gowns and eye shields. Keep infected people isolated from others. Carefully disinfect and dispose of needles and other instruments. Injection needles and syringes should not be reused.
*.Don't handle remains. The bodies of people who have died of Ebola disease are still contagious.
Specially organized and trained teams should bury the remains, using appropriate safety equipment.
*.Avoid traveling to areas of known outbreaks.
*.Watch out for people with flu-like symptoms and sudden fever.
Breaking News...OMG! ....
Nigeria Federal Government
declares Ebola a
matter of national emergency...
After the Death of The Nurse
and Doctor.
They are saying that everyone
is now at risk of being
infected with the deadly
This is a very SAD News for
Nigeria! ....
Beware, stop eating bush
meat, stop touching
sick people especially in the
hospital or wash
your hands thoroughly with
soap if you do, limit
your hands shake, avoid
contact with Bats and
Apes, wash hands always,
above all Pray for God's
protection and Ebola virus shall
not be our portion neither to
our relatives in Jesus name.
Type amen to claim this